
Showing posts from January, 2016

Good Morning

Hi Mom. This morning went better than anticipated, considering i woke up at 7:30 (went to bed around 1) and couldn't go back to sleep. Not a great start. So, I got up and decided since I was up that I might as well go the things I needed at Walmart cause I'd have to go at some point and this way I could beat the afternoon heat and everyone else who needed the same things. 8am is a good time to go grocery shopping, apparently. Good parking spot, all new carts, and few people to get stuck behind or have to say 'excuse me you're standing right in front of the peanut butter I need, talking to someone as if you haven't seen them in 10 years but lets be honest you guys are neighbors. Please MOVE.' (you know who you are). In the produce section were some really pretty, [cheap] flowers, so I got me some flowers because I can. And found a cheap vase that I thought was super pretty. Flowers make every room nicer. I am probably the only student at Ringling who h

Productive Saturdays/Classes Update

Hi Mom. The last two Saturdays have been consecutively therapeutic. Something about grocery/supply shopping, doing laundry and organizing my room after whirl-winding through the days prior is very relaxing. Even today when I had to wait an hour and a half to get my new tires, I spent the entire time in the Starbucks next door doing some cafe drawings (drawing unsuspecting people quickly). Here are my favorites from today: There were plenty more, but people tend to move so these were the people that stayed relatively stagnant while I was drawing. I was in the corner by a window for the most part and I know the girl next to me, who was past bored with the textbook open in front of her, kept glancing over. I half expected her to say something but she eventually left and my first official cafe drawing session went unnoticed, which is fine by me. I just hope when I'm a multi-million dollar artist that someone might care if I'm drawing them! (just kidding...except for the multi-

Dorm Life Frustrations

Hi Mom. I'm blogging tonight mainly because I am so beyond frustrated with living in a dorm. And before you jump to the usual complaints, it actually isn't because of my Bugle Eating, Vampire of a least not tonight. I've been doing really good this past week and half that I've been back at school - as far as the weight loss goes. For those who don't know, over Winter Break I was perscribed Phentermine by my doctor to help with my weightless journey. Because at 4'10 and a 148 lbs I am quite overweight. So, the Phentermine has kicked in and I've lost 4 lbs (I'm sure it's mostly water weight, but I'll take it) so far. And I've been really getting into working out and researching what natural foods are the best and exactly what they do to the body - I'm even thinking of going to the farmer's market this weekend. I even bought natural peanut butter - of course this was before I learned that almond butter is much better fo

First Day Back

Hi Mom. I promise I will have separate posts coming soon that will touch on the past few months when I went incognito blog-wise. Look for those in the future and if they are not there I'm sure you will have already given me crap about it. :) So, this Semester I have NO morning classes - HAZZAH. BUT I did wake up at 8 am and hit the gym. Great leg day. Definitely going to be feeling it tomorrow, but excited to go again tomorrow morning and do arm day. I felt like a pro walking in with my new yoga bag (courtesy of Jason's Mom) and walking out drenched in sweat. Plus it's kind of nice to be able to wake up, work out, shower THEN go to class whereas last semester the only free time during the day I had was 12-3, so I would wake up, go to class, work out, shower, go to class. Showering in the middle of the day was super weird and it meant putting on makeup -if only foundation - twice. And makeup is not cheap my friends. Figure Drawing II was my first class today, and there