Look at that blubber fly!

Hi Mom.

Today was hard to motivate myself to go workout. Mainly because my bestest friend, Emily (who is known from my Disney Birthday blog), gifted me the Dragon Age Inquisition Game of year Edition last night and I've been very much wanting to play it since class ended for the week. I will note she gifted me this awesome game (and all the DLCs and bundles included) because I've been mooching off of her Origin account for the past month since Bioware didn't release that DLC I was raving out for the older generation consoles (xbox 360 and ps3). Don't even get me started on that rant. And with me mooching off of her online account, any time she wanted to get on she couldn't since I was on. And since she's quite the non-confrontational sort, she decided to buy me my own instead of asking me to get my butt off her Origin account.

ANYWAYS. I did manage to talk myself into going to work out because I very much want it to be a habit more than anything. Just like going straight to the salad bar (mainly for Cesar salad) has become a sort of habit. 

I did about 2 miles (little less than 20 minutes  burning about 200 calories) on the elliptical and then decided to try out one of the stationary bikes instead of going over to the rowing machine. My right quad had been cramping most of my elliptical run so I figured cycling would be easier on me than rowing. And of course I chose the one where you lean back more and your feet are in front of you rather than under you because it was the nearest one and didn't actually realize that they had the other kind until someone else was on it. I was a little discourages because I did for about 20 minutes as well, going about 4 miles and the calorie counter said I'd only burned like 80 the entire time. But now my app is saying it's more near 160 which makes me feel a little better. Regardless I will be having a big Cesar salad tonight.

Also I noticed while on the stationary bike, I am much more conscious of my surroundings than when I am focused on all of the pain that is running on the stationary. For one thing, having my legs in front of me and watching them pedal was...interesting. Homer says it best.

I don't mean that in a degrading way. It's just very interesting. I never really look at myself when I move. When I do look in a mirror I'm usually standing still or its a mirror where I can't even see my legs. Everyone's legs jiggle. Its just you hardly ever see your own legs jiggle.

But I've been feeling good. Waking up for class is easier, walking up stairs is easier (aside from post workout then they are my mortal enemy). I did forget to mention that last week I found out my starting weight is a little higher than I expected (154lbs). Oh well. Everyone starts somewhere.

Now for a shower and some Dragon Age.


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