Rough One

Hi Mom.

Today started out really rough.

At 12:09am Public Safety decided a Wednesday night was the best time to have a fire drill. I honestly would have rather there have been an actual fire than needlessly be woken up at midnight, tromped outside and stand around until told we could go back in. And I know it was a drill because they legit just walked to each room while the most annoying/terrifying alarm went off. No urgency, just inconvenience "let's test this alarm at fricking midnight". That's what really irks me. Really? MIDNIGHT? Not 10, when a lot of people will still be awake? Midnight. When most people have JUST fallen asleep and the mass population has an 8am class the next morning. Kinda pissed.

After taking at least an hour to fall back asleep, I knew the day was only going to get worse because I woke up and it was pouring. I had a backpack full of stuff, a GIANT portfolio that weighs like 20 lbs and I have to take it all to class, while balancing an umbrella. (If you haven't noticed I'm going to be complaining for the next paragraph - DEAL).

Then...class. I officially dislike perspective. Okay, that's not sure. I REALLY REALLY appreciate perspective but my teacher is OCD and sees every little mistake. "Oh you're line is a quarter of a centimeter off? That's too bad." I've sort of accepted that I will be resubmitting every single homework assignment because my teacher is C happy. Every homework assignment so far I've gotten a 3/5 (which is actually a D). I know it's only going to get worse because we're just in 1-point perspective and by the end of the semester we'll have gotten to 3-point. Lemme show you an example of a three point perspective drawing and my future hell:

And that's just boxes. My teacher loves ellipses. And not just any ellipses, PERFECT ellipses (which was our last homework that I will be redoing over the weekend/because my lines were too dark). Kill me. I was also having an issue in class because the tools I'd brought with me from home were a little less than expected. My T Square was too short and uneven (which really defeats the purpose), my compass was cheap and didn't do the size of a circle I needed and the only ruler I had was only 12 inches and we were working on 18x24 newsprint. I had become my own worst nightmare of a student who wasn't prepared and had to rely on someone else for the proper materials. I hate being unprepared, it's just so unprofessional and really made me upset, on top of being overwhelmed with perspective I had a rough morning. 

But then, I went for a drive. The fact that I could leave campus and get away from the place that's more than overwhelming sometimes is awesome. Granted, I was leaving to go buy supplies FOR school. But being away and in control of something helped a lot. 

After shopping for the correct materials at Michaels (and finding the actual Target I should have driven to yesterday), my work out consisted of hiking with all my supplies, backpack, target bag and giant portfolio from my car back to the dorm. You've probably gathered that I parked pretty far away. Midday parking is kind of awful.

Not to mention I got a warning email from the school about Tropical Storm Erika. After a single mention of possible tornadoes over the weekend I  put my phone away.

Here's to a better second half of the day - hopefully.


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