First Day of Classes

Hi Mom.

Second post for the day, so gonna keep it short.

I had my first two classes today: Drawing 1 and 2D Design. Drawing 1 I think will be good. The teacher has a wicked beard and seems passionate and knows what he's doing. My 2D teacher on the other hand...I plan on dropping that class when my official transcripts come through. Maybe it's just because I've taken 2D many many times before, once at the college level, but it seems dull and the teacher rubbed me the wrong way. It wasn't anything specific, sometimes you just get a feeling. It didn't help that this computer based class is being taught by a Fine Arts painter who told us straight out she didn't hardly ever work digitally. I would like to learn more than the basics.

I'd been having problems getting my "official" transcript over, so the second that happens hopefully I'll be able to ditch 2D and Writing Studio (both of which I should have credit for) and do something more fun. Because if I have to recite the Principles of Art and Design again I might die.


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