A Twilight Zone Day

Hi Mom.

First off, Happy freaking Anniversary to my loving, supportive, funny, best parents in the world. Look at these cuties, all young with that no-kids glow.

This next one is my absolutely favorite photo of them. I actually think I'm going to print this one out and frame it for my desk. Plus me and her have the same hairstyle going and we're both adorable.
On another note, Facebook is exploding with everyone's "my kid's first day of school photo!" And my mom was no different. Below is me and my brother on our first days of 2nd grade for him and kindergarten for me. If I look a little more excited than he is,it's because young me has no idea how hard the next 12 years are going to be.

Now that we've gotten past the nostalgia for today's post, lemme tell you about my day in 2015. In Drawing 1, we sat in the hallway and drew the hallway, and holy crap that was a long 2 hours. Because perspective is hard. Don't let anyone tell you differently. And when you realize your vanishing point is off and you have to restart the entire drawing, shit gets real (sorry grandma). After that, I spent lunch watching Master Chef and poking at my Storytelling homework.

Then I headed towards what I thought would be a very simple theatre class. And it was, aside from the fact that the class was being held off campus, like 15 minutes away, and no one thought to tell the kid that just added the class to her schedule. THANK GOD for an angel disguised as a Senior Illustration major who just happened to walk by where I was casually waiting for my theatre class. After explaining that the class was not happening on campus today, or for the rest of the year, she graciously offered to drive me to the new location. Which I was really really grateful for. That was the universe sending a very nice senior my way right before that class, because without her I would have been standing there for probably another hour and walking around and missing class. 

Once we did arrive at the Florida Studio Theatre (which is gorgeous btw, wish I had taken photos) our substitute (yes, another substitute - teachers like going to class as much as the students) took us on a tour of the Theatre(s). It was massive, but awesome because we got a really good behind the scenes tour. Really kicking myself for not taking photos, here's a link of their official site that has some good ones: https://www.floridastudiotheatre.org/bownes-lab-theatre. 

We then received a script of their latest project, "Rumplestiltskin" which cracked me up because I immediately thought of my best friend, Emily, who was convinced for the longest time that when I told her I had Russell Silver Syndrome, she went and told literally everyone and their mom's that it was called Rumplestiltskin Disease. Ah, memories. Moving on, after I was reassured that touching this script in no way contractually obligate me to act in any way, we were told our homework is to read and create costume design sketches for this play, which is very much up my alley.

After that, I hitched a ride back with my friend Sydney who was also in said theatre class, and while talking with her friend, Sarah, who was also riding in the car, I had a true small world, twilight zone-like moment. At Ringling the usual get-to-know-you questions are, "What major are you?" "What year?" "Where are you from?" And as it turns out, Sarah lived in my very neighborhood in Colorado up until the YEAR before I moved there. WHAT. What a Twilight Zone kind of day. And we both ended up at the same school, in the same theatre class. It knocked my socks off. (I had to call both my mother and Jason to relay that news because I just couldn't believe the coincidence.)

I then returned to school, managed to open my mail box on the 2nd try (whoot!) and received two packages. One was a school textbook and the other was an early birthday present from my parents:
Pretty pretty pretty laptop bag. All in all, today was good. A little less homesick, but still some. I'm excited to get going on this semester and see where I'll be this time in a few months. 


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