Observation Drawing at the Sarasota Classic Car Museum

Hi Mom. 

These are for you. Because the second I walked in, I thought, "Mom would love this. And she'd kill me if I didn't take photos...click click"

 (This is the one I ended up drawing) Even after hearing my teacher tell us, "to avoid the 20s-30s cars if they intimidate us." Well it didn't intimidate me BEFORE you said that. 

The final:

It's not due till Monday but since my weekend will be occupied I've been busting out homework like a mad woman all week. Slightly terrified my teachers will assume me turning things in early will make them want to 'encourage me to spend more time on it'. Honestly I would have spent even less time on these things considering I would have procrastinated them.

After that I went to Cutting Loose On Main Hair Salon (Sarasota) for my haircut. I went for the haircut, stayed for my complimentary shine/semi permanent toning. Even found out when I was finished that my stylist, Kendall (who I had last time) had upgraded me to someone even better (the toning was an extra charge that she waived for me). Definitely felt nice to be pampered after the school stress. Plus it's always nice to feel pretty.
Kinda hard to tell the color difference, but I can tell. It's got a cooler, purple tint. One day I'll break down and have colorful hair, I swear it. 

Also have been obsessed with Hamilton, the new big thing on Broadway that all the kids are raving about. Nick will LOVE it. Mom won't - the reason being it's got a hip hop-rap feel to the music. But I find it more catchy that off putting. Talking to the beat never bothered me. 

Favorite one right now is 'Satisfied'. Mainly because I'm a sucker for a female voice that I can belt along with and because I had an "oh wow that's awful' moment when I listened to the words fully and realized what must be going on in the play (since I haven't seen it and am learning the plot through the soundtrack). Mom listen to this PWEASE just once.


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