Good day

Hi Mom,

Today was good. Mentally I was all here and not focused on my unbearable homesickness. In Figure Drawing I felt loose and good (aside from the frustration that is my figure drawing teacher but thats a whole another can of worms). And I did get to Skype with my Jason for a good hour since both of my roommates were in afternoon classes and I don't normally like to talk loudly with the two of them in the room. I'm just polite that way. 

I caved and resubscribed to Spotify Premium because I really took for granted when I had it and didn't understand the annoyance of ads every few songs and not being able to listen what song I wanted to listen to at that moment. Really throws off your flow when you're drawing or doing homework when a very loud annoying voice shouts into your headphones about what type of car you should buy RIGHT NOW.

Then I decided to be a socialite and go over to the Demo that was going on tonight for the Illustration Department. Basically, a bunch of teachers set up tables and do demos all night with all different kinds of media. That lasted all of five minutes with me not talking to anyone. I'd overestimated my confidence, especially when it came to crowds. I don't talk to random people, its just how I am. So I was went, I saw, I got out.

I did buy a poster in the process and it is now adorning the back of our door.

I should probably explain what Illest of Ill is. Their website states, "lllest of Illustration is an annual, student-run gallery show at the Ringling College of Art and Design Exhibition Hall. Every October the Illest Crew brings professional illustrators to the Ringling Campus to give lectures and demos, judge all the pieces submitted to the show, and attend the event as our special guests." It's a big thing every year at Ringling. I've seen faculty offices covered with posters from the past years. I mainly chose this poster because a)DRAGON b) flowing cape, armor and sword. c)palette of purple. All of these things scream Sam. Therefore I needed it. Especially considering I will no doubt be submitting to this gallery in the coming years - hopefully. 


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