Hallelujah & Birthday Packages Pt. 3

Hi Mom.

This morning is fraught with anxiety and just not wanting to go to Drawing class. Well boy oh boy this morning was a much needed turn of events. Not long after class started our teacher asked us to put up our pieces on the wall. That could only mean one thing: critique. Lord strike me down now. Instead, my prayers were answered. My Drawing teacher told us we would get until next class period (Thursday) to fix whatever we wanted about our drawings. And I had just said the night before, "If I had another day I would re-ink entirely." I don't believe in coincidences. This was the big man upstairs throwing me a bone. And I am super happy for it.

After a great morning class I started working on my re-inking of the Hall of Oddities assignment, and it's coming along nicely. Will post later since I have to scan it for class anyways before Thursday. While I stayed after class and started redoing my drawing, I learned a possible new meaning of the phrase, "starving artist". Granted, it usually means artists are too poor to feed themselves, I have a new theory: artists just end up skipping meals to finish their art before the deadline. I have a feeling that is something I will get used to in the coming years, especially with school deadlines.

I do hope I got some brownie points from my drawing teacher by working extra hard in front of him and getting his opinion here and there. I want him to take me seriously, even if I don't get the best grade. I don't ever want to seem like a slacker. I packed up my stuff as the next class came in and made myself a PB&J and watched some Ink Master during my break in my room.

Around 1 I remembered I had a package waiting for me in the mail center. By the time I walked down there I had two more packages added to the pile. This was fun to get handed over the counter and carry back to my dorm. Worth it.

 The first one I ordered was the small one on top that came all the way from Europe. Which I immediately knew was my birthday present from Emily since she said she hadn't realized she was ordering it from Europe till afterwards, which is why it was late. AND MAN I LOVE IT. Most of you will not understand this awesomeness but it is a sketchbook with the art of a book from the universe of Dragon Age in which one of Em and I's favorite characters, Varric, wrote a very famous series of books called Hard in Hightown which was based on another one of the in game characters. It's basically gold and now I have a sketchbook with the Hard in Hightown book cover on it. I'm in love. And it's small enough to stay in my new purse from Elly, so it's going come with me everywhere.
 The back is what is on the back of the book in the game, which is the Dwarven writer, Varric's picture, of course surrounded by women.
 Second package I opened was from Jason and his lovely sister and mother. Jason sent me the adorable Sven, an Anger bouncy ball, a BIG box of Cosmic Brownies, Pop Tarts, an Amazon giftcard, a Starbucks giftcard, a Mickey and Minnie shirt that says, "Best Couple Ever". He spoils me rotten for sure. His mom sent me a very nice birthday card and visa giftcard and the Minnie pen/highlighter.
 His sister (who I refer to as my sister basically) sent me the awesome Stitch mug with the "Ohana Means Family" inside, which is uber cute because for Christmas I had painted her a stitch painting with that same phrase on the back of it. We're too cute. Glad I have the little sister I always wanted.
 On that note, I'm going to have to ask everyone to STOP SENDING ME MUGS. It's getting out of hand, especially since the top of the microwave is literally the only place I can store them.
 And now. I am sorry to say to everyone that participated in "Sending Sam Birthday Packages" we have declared a winner. My mother's bestie, Steph won this contest by a landslide because of the theme, the quantity and the quality. I knew her package was going to be Inside Out themed, but I had no way of knowing what I was about to open.

In this picture you can see my new FREAKING UNBELIEVABLY SOFT blanket that features all of the emotions, but most importantly, BING BONG. This will be replacing my comforter. The rest of the goodies are inside the bag.

 We've got all the dolls (minus Anger who I already had), a calendar, tons of buttons, an artist pack that includes: 2 folders, 2 notebooks, 4 pencils, a pencil sharpener, an eraser, a pencil bag and a ruler, all Inside Out themed.

All in all it took me a half an hour to unpack everything and figure out where to put it. I'm very much over my 1/3 of a room. I have a ton of crap and my new gifts need more wall space, and table tops to display properly. For now they are all sitting between my desk and my dresser. I definitely have the most lived in space of my roommates.


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